Free e-Book Resources
**PARENTS: At school we supervise what students read. We have a Jr. High only section and are selective as to what books we purchase for the library. With Remote Learning it falls to you to supervise what your student reads. Some of these sites have books for all ages so be aware of what your student chooses. Thank you for your help in selecting books for your student.

Directions for Cloud Library:
First at the bottom of the page download the appropriate app for your device. Then Select country=United States, State=Illinois, and Library=Illinois Heartland Library System. You can login with your individual barcode number and pin. If you don't have that information you can get it from Mrs. Lemon by emailing her at Once you login on your device you won't have to login again. The eBooks are checked out for 2 weeks and then will disappear. You can also return them earlier if you finish.