Come visit our BOOK FAIR Oct. 7th-18th!

Mrs. Dugan

Mrs. Lemon

The Pope County Elementary/Junior High Library  serves K-8 students and teachers and offers a vast assortment of approximately 5,000 books. We are always adding to the collection. We are also part of the Illinois Heartland Library System allowing our students access to books from any library in the state as well as circulating books with other libraries throughout the state. We subscribe to cloudLibrary which has available digital books to be checked out and read online. Check out our Library Catalog tab to the left.

Other resources are available on the tabs to the left. Our Kids Corner is updated monthly.

In the afternoon our K-5 students come to the Library weekly during Fine Arts time to check out books and have library lessons.  Mrs. Dugan, the Library Media Specialist, and Mrs. Lemon, the Library Aide, are responsible for the Fine Arts Library classes, purchasing, cataloging, and other behind the scenes processes to keep the Library up-to-date and running smoothly.
They work hard to provide their students with a great learning experience and strive to encourage them to become life-long learners with a love of reading.

The PCE/JH Library lab of 25 networked laptop computers is available for student and faculty use. There are 2 mobile computer carts with laptops that can be taken to the classrooms.
A wall mounted smart board/projector is available to be used for presentations.  Classroom teachers can also schedule time to bring classes to the library in the mornings. Please schedule your library time on the clip board calendar.

The Pope County Elementary/Junior High Library is open during school hours Monday through Friday.